It's time to join the ACA!

10 Jan 2022 1:54 PM | Shana Kennedy

The ACA is so excited for this new chapter in our organization. Thanks to all of you who were part of our pilot year. 

Now, in 2022, we need you on board as a dues-paying member.  

Member Benefits:

  • Attend our online monthly meeting
  • Snag a subscription to our newsletter
  • Gain access to our website's Member Zone
  • Engage through free and discounted events and workshops
  • Become eligible for Board and Committee positions

Membership Tiers:

Individual Member - $25.00 (USD)

Organizational Member (Large Org) - $200.00 (USD) (includes up to 2 members) Organization that has an annual budget of $500,000 or more

Organizational Member (Medium Org) - $150.00 (USD) (includes up to 2 members) Organization that has an annual budget of $100,000 --> $499,999

Organizational Member (Small Org) - $100.00 (USD) (includes up to 2 members) Organization that has an annual budget of $99,999 or less

Link to join:

The American Circus Alliance is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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